Georgie Smith @georgieinlondon


Georgie Smith (@georgieinlondon) is an actor, writer and more recently director, born in Abbey Wood, South East London. First generation to go to University, Georgie is a graduate of the Masters Degree program in Acting from Drama Centre at Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design.

She also graduated with distinction from the Screenwriting Certificate Program at UCLA. Kinda okay for a girl who originally left an all-girls convent state school at age 16 to work in a recording studio (coz the nuns at her school said she couldn’t). There, she found herself making the tea, polishing the 64 track mixing desk, clearing up last night's band's pharmaceuticals and all the while, sneakily editing mix-tapes on the splicing machine. (So THATS where the splice tape went…)

Georgie recently completed the Certificate in Filmmaking Course at the National Film and Television School thanks to support from BFI, along with a weekly Professional Writers group at UCLA (All-night Zooms coz of LA time zone...) and is currently developing a feature film. She has participated in several Sundance Collab Directing and Visual Storytelling courses.

A short film script she wrote reached the top 16 scripts for BAFTA Rocliffe drama film scripts competition although she highly suspects they were intoxicated at the time, and currently has a story and photos published in Burning Man Festival's Arts magazine 'Burn Before Reading.' about attending her first Burning Man virtually due to covid lockdown. Both these things she's kinda chuffed about. She hopes to go to Burning Man for real one day.

A lover of photography, Georgie has photographed the BMX World Champs, Summer in the City at Excel and the Anti-trump protest in Trafalgar Square. Unable to even get the front wheel of her beloved BMX off the ground (She will dispute this), Georgie enjoys sitting at the top of Vert ramps photographing X-Games athletes who can.

She met the Dalai Lama once, is a life-long plant-based person and loves foxes, frogs and graffiti. Random. Just saying.


DELIVERY - Short Film Crowdfunding Image

Scroll down for some of her favourite shots… (because this definitely isn’t actually her typing this.)

Georgie Smith 2023 - @georgieinlondon